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Workshop: Tools and Methods for Ensuring Food Quality and Safety in the Supply Chain

On Thursday, April 6, 2023, the Laboratory of Agricultural Economics and Consumer Behavior (AgreconLab) in collaboration with Hellenic Association on ICT in Agriculture, Food & Environment (HAICTA) are organizing a conference on the topic: “Tools and methods for ensuring food quality and safety in the supply chain”. Representatives from the companies “Olympos” and “Masoutis”, as well as researchers of the University of Thessally and CIHEAM-IAMM Montpellier will provide insights on the technologies and methodologies utilized to ensure food quality and safety.

  • Utilization of Blockchain technology to ensure food quality and traceability – Apostolos Apostolaras, Researcher NitLab, University of Thessaly
  • Academia views on agricultural adulteration – Georgios Kleftodimos, Researcher CIHEAM IAMM Montpellier
  • Food quality assurance in Masoutis stores – Kyriaki Chatzimichail, Hygiene & Food Safety Manager, Masoutis
  • Quality control tools and methods in Feta value chain: The case of Olympos – Nikos Mantas, Olympos