AgrEconLab is pleased to announce that the project entitled: “Operational adaptation Nexus-based systems solutions in Mediterranean” and acronym DIONYSUS has been awarded under the Prima Nexus call. More specifically, the Dionysus project proposes a dynamic systemic approach for local communities in conjunction with all stakeholders, either private or public interest, to co-design and evaluate adaptation strategies related to the Water, Energy, Food and Ecosystems (WEFE). It is worth mentioning that the program will be implemented in Mediterranean countries, while the study areas have been selected with the following two criteria:
- The production of agricultural products that are a landmark for their region and country.
- The existence of an issue related to natural resources exploitation that can be addressed through collective efforts and the use of new technologies.
The region of Karditsa has been selected for the Greek territory, and specifically, the partnership with the TOEV Tavropou Karditsa, headed by Mr. Markinos Athanassios, has already started in order to address irrigation water waste in cotton growing. TOEV Tavropou Karditsa is one of the largest Water Organizations in our country, which irrigates 11,475 ha in an area of 16 k ha around the city of Karditsa.
Similar areas have been selected in Egypt, Morocco and Italy while replicate experiments to evaluate the adaptability of the results will be carried out in Algeria, Tunisia and Turkey.
Finally, through this publication we would like to warmly thank the Assistant Professor of the Mediterranean Agricultural Institute of Montpellier (France) and coordinator of the program Dr. Georgios Kleftodimos for his commendable effort for the submission of this proposal as well as his continuous support to our laboratory.