Dr. Christina Kleisiari

PostDoc, Member of the Laboratory of Agricultural Economics and Consumer Behavior
Research Field: Consumer Behavior
Expertise: Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Christina Kleisiari is a PostDoc researcher working as a full-time member in the Agricultural Economics and Consumer Behaviour laboratory of the University of Thessaly. Her doctoral research focuses on «Assessing the consumers’ decision-making process under the Farm to Fork integrated dimension» using different methodological approaches. In her research, she examines factors influencing consumer attitudes concerning their socioeconomic characteristics, with a primary emphasis on their demands to develop appropriate promotional mixes that are dynamic and constantly adaptable to the changing needs of modern society.
- Kleisiari, C., Kleftodimos, G. & Vlontzos, G. (2023). Be(e)ha(i)viour(e): Assessment of honey consumption in Europe. British Food Journal, https://doi.org/10.1108/BFJ-12-2021-1300
- Kleisiari, C., Kartakis, S., Kleftodimos, G. & Vlontzos, G. (2022). Why Go on Vacation to Crete? Assessing the Role of Local Cuisine. Book chapter in Food Policy Modelling. Springer, 99-114.
- Kleisiari, C., Kleftodimos, G., Baliota, G.V., Athanassiou, C.G., Vlontzos, G. & Kateris, D. (2022) Public acceptance regarding the use of diatomaceous earth for the protection of stored agricultural products. Proceedings in IOBC 2022 Integrated Protection of Stored Products, 165-170.
- Kleisiari, C., Kyrgiakos, L. S., Niavis, S., Tigka, E., Moulogianni, C., Duquenne M. N., Vlontzos, G. (2022). Understanding consumer patterns about meat and dairy products derived from animals fed on locally produced feed. Int. J. of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology. Special issue HAICTA2020 Research Advancements Towards Sustainable Rural Areas
- Kleisiari, C., Kyrgiakos, L. S., Pardalos, P., & Vlontzos, G. (2021). New Technologies Contribution on the Agrifood Sector for Achieving Circular Economy Goals. Book chapter in Modeling for Sustainable Management in Agriculture, Food and the Environment (1st ed.).
- Kleisiari, C., Duquenne, M. N., & Vlontzos, G. (2021). E-Commerce in the Retail Chain Store Market: An Alternative or a Main Trend?. Sustainability, 13(8), 4392.
- Kleisiari, C., Kyrgiakos, L. S., Niavis, S., & Vlontzos, G. (2021). Children nutrition in the Mediterranean basin: A comparative case study between Spain and Greece. Proceedings in Food System Dynamics, 214-221.
- Vasileiou, M., Kyriakos, L. S., Kleisiari, C., Kleftodimos, G., Vlontzos, G., Belhouchette, H., & Pardalos, P. M. (2023). Transforming weed management in sustainable agriculture with artificial intelligence: a systematic literature review towards weed identification and deep learning. Crop Protection, 106522.
- Nader, E.N., Kleftodimos, G., Kyrgiakos, L.S., Kleisiari, C., Gallai, N., Darwich, S., Vlontzos, G. & Belhouchette, H. (2023). Linking Beekeepers’ and Farmers’ Preferences towards Pollination Services in Greek Kiwi Systems. Animals, 13, 806. https://doi.org/10.3390/ ani13050806
- Kartakis, S., Kyrgiakos, L.S., Kleftodimos, G., Kleisiari, C. & Vlontzos, G. (2023) Impact of public policy strategies on the adoption of precision agriculture: the case of the Greek potato agricultural system. Proceedings in Precision agriculture ’23- ECPA. https://doi.org/10.3920/978-90-8686-947-3_97
- Kleftodimos, G.; Kyrgiakos, L.S.; Kleisiari, C.; Tagarakis, A.C.; Bochtis, D. (2022). Examining Farmers’ Adoption Decisions towards Precision-Agricultural Practices in Greek Dairy Cattle Farms. Sustainability 2022, 14, 411. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14010411
- Niavis, S., Kleisiari, C., Kyrgiakos, L. S., & Vlontzos, G. (2021). Investigating the regional efficiency disparities in arable crops production at the global level. Bio-Economy and Agri- production (pp. 67-81). Academic Press.
- Niavis, S., Kleisiari, C., Kyrgiakos, L. S., & Vlontzos, G. (2021). Assessing the sustainability of legumes production in South Europe. Bio-Economy and Agri-production (pp. 117-129). Academic Press.
- Vlontzos, G., Niavis, S., Kleisiari, C., Kyrgiakos, L. S., Athanassiou, C., & Pardalos, P. (2021). Why Farmers Get Involved in Participatory Research Projects? The Case of Arable Crops Farmers in Greece. Applied Sciences, 11(1), 6.
- Kyrgiakos, L. S., Kleisiari, C., & Niavis, S. (2020). Assessing the high protein crops wider diffusion in the European agricultural sector. The role and prospects of legumes. International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Management and Informatics, 6(3), 288-317.
- Niavis, S., Kyrgiakos, L. S., Kleisiari, C., & Vlontzos, G. (2020). What Drives Farmers’ Decisions to Invest? The Role of Research Engagement, Information Collection and Type of Farm. International Journal on Food System Dynamics, 11(3), 241-257.
- Kyrgiakos, L. S., Kleisiari, C., Niavis, S., Vlontzos, G., Moulogianni, C., & Tigka, E. (2020). Evaluating the Efficiency of Cotton Cultivation considering Climate Change Challenges-Abstract. Proceedings in HAICTA2020 (pp. 8-9).
- Niavis, S., Kleisiari, C., Kyrgiakos, L. S., & Vlontzos, G. (2020). Investigating the Varying Effect of Attitudes, Behavior and Socioeconomic Charactersitics on the Investment Behavior of Arable Crop and Tree Farmers. Proceedings in Food System Dynamics, 125-133.
- Niavis, S., Kleisiari, C., Kyrgiakos, L. S., & Vlontzos, G. (2019). Assessing feasibility of soybean substitution with alternative leguminous crops for southeast European countries. Proceedings in XXXVIII CIOSTA & CIGR V International Conference (pp. 83-88).
- Niavis S, Kyrgiakos LS, Kleisiari C, Vlontzos G. (2019). Assessing the efficiency of arable crops production in a cross-national context. Proceedings in EFITA International Conference